Tenth Work Party 2025 & Chalking
Rendezvous in Horseshoe lake car park at 9am.
Please sign in so we know who is attending and this will ensure you get your Work Party Rewards – see below
Bring something to drink for mid morning break, we normally finish between 2 O’clock and 3 O’clock.
We have jobs for all ages and abilities, and ‘every little helps’ in keeping our venues tidy. Grass cutting and Strimming, Tree pruning, Peg maintenance, Rubbish burning, plus the usual tidying that is always done..
Bring along a pair of gloves and any useful tools eg, rakes or tree loppers.
Today is the annual ‘Chalking’ of the lake this takes more people and so for all attendees a hot lunch will be provided.
For new members why not come along and find out more about your club, every hour you contribute could mean a discount from your next season price!
Read more about Work Party Rewards – here