Fresh from breaking his own Horseshoe Lake match record with 159lb 14oz, Antony Johnson has agreed to give up some time and provide some Feeder Coaching clinics, going into real detail to help with your feeder fishing at Horseshoe.
This will be from your kit setup, bait preparation, casting accuracy and how to clip up for distance, use of shockleaders, different feeder set ups and feeder selection, use of the drag on your reel, hook types, hook links and hookbaits, the loading of feeders and the different ways of doing so and even showing the bait breakdown from the feeder and resulting bait presentation with tank tests.
Using your own kit and one of 7 reserved pegs on Horseshoe Lake. Sunday 11th June, from 09:00 to 15:00 with the possibility of a couple more Saturdays in July if demand is there.
To register your interest – places allocated on a first come first served basis click here